besaa punyaa

oh yeah ! Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin 21st generation of KLIS <3 jom sambot raya smesme mcm tahun lepas. kte ronda rumah org :DD ng kumpol duet rye bykbyk !

some thoughts to share

something came up. and just to fill up this blog of ours. such a long time. rambling is like one of my favourite past time. and i know you guys too. but for today, i shall not ramble again. i'm writing here on this moment and hour to share with you some of my opinions about us. i mean this generasi hebat. not the one who already left, but for them who are still in that beloved school of yours *of course mine too. yes, i meant US ! 21st generation of KLIS 2008-2011.

what my eyes can see. sometimes, there's just no respect among us. no support from each other. sometimes, i just can't feel the love among us. thats what i thought

raising up your voice at each other in front of the public, i don't think that's a good picture, don't you think so ? thats what i thought,
sometimes, among us just can't accept others opinion. i know that we are very brilliant not only in studies but also in other aspects. but try and learn to tolerate.

talking behind someones back i think thats normal. but somehow, we have to change that too. but but, whats worse, 'mengumpat' in front of the person that you want to 'mengumpat'. oh. sungguh sakit hati ! and worse, your own friend.

as a reminder for all of us, lets just unite. not only among the puteri, but also among the putera. lets just stand strong. you can hate me for posting this. you can make fun of me for writing this, at least i'm brave enough to write my honest thoughts.

just remember, be fair to everyone. and always think you are not the greatest. cause the Greatest among us all is Allah Azzawajalla. the Almighty.

*mesti org kutuk this post kn ? its okay, just to fiil up this blog. sorry kepada yg trse. utk kebaikan bsme. sorry sbb dlm english. sbb aku rse english aku berterabur. nak try je tulis dlm english.
kesian sama ini belogg. 
haktuih berhabukk 